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Louie the Neapolitan Mastiff

Mar 27

Ever since Louie had his amputation, he seems to derive great pleasure from playing the same joke every day multiple times a day! Sometimes I find myself getting exasperated with him but it doesn’t last long because for some reason he enjoys playing his little game so much LOL ! The game is that whenever I tell him it is time to go in the house he drops to the ground and becomes a big,heavy blob of dead weight! Then he goes completely deaf and except for a slight wag of his tail you would think he was comatose. After pleading with him (and he always decides how long that will be) he jumps up and runs in the house usually blowing right past me in the process! I love this guy so much 🙂


10 comments so far

  1. otisandtess
    8:31 pm - 3-27-2016

    Wow! Same thing happens every time I take Otis for a walk. He goes down about 5 houses from ours, rolls, sits there and sniffs the air, looks around, and is generally dead weight. After about 5 minutes I start pleading with him, “Come on Otis, let’s go home, let’s go boy, come on boyo. . ..” Eventually when he is ready, he gets up and hops on home.

    • sreuschen
      8:45 pm - 3-27-2016

      LOL! Hey Otis …….great minds think alike! 🙂

  2. benny55
    11:11 pm - 3-27-2016

    Ya’ know, I ALWAYS get excited when I see a new ppst from Louie! I start smiling immediately, followed by a little chuckle because I KNOW I’m gonna love the update! Needless to say, Big Lou never disappoints!! 🙂

    Reading this and then seeing the actual video of that great big comic messing with you cracks me up!! 🙂 You described his behavior…and attitude…PERFECTLY! 🙂 And you’re right, except for that little wiggle of his tail, he becomes a big blop and is glued to the ground! And that wriggle of a tail is as close to a giggle from a human as a dog can get!!

    Oh how I love this dog! And to see how far he’s come with his initial hurdles just lights up my world!!

    And then we have Otis also becoming a blob glued to the ground until HE decides HE’s ready to go home!

    Frankie, my adopted tripawd Coonhound, just loves greeting each day with exuberance! He rolls all over the bed when he gets up, kicking his feet trying to push me out of bed! “Get up Mom! I’m ready to go howling at anything and everything all day long!!” And then comes Sunday morning, the earliest day I have to get up and go to work. Barely a hint of daylight. He becomes a 900 lb blob glued to the bed. He vocalizes and fusses loudly with disdain as I try and coax him out of bed. I have to pull the covers he’s on to the edge of the bed to practically roll him off onto the floor to get him up!

    Louie, I find your little joking routine fart more endearing than Frankie’s early morning “arguing”! 🙂

    Looking forward ro your next update and pictures/videos!!!
    Lots of love and big smooches to that adorable mug!,!

    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

    • sreuschen
      11:19 pm - 3-27-2016

      I’m giggling here imagining you rolling 900 pound Frankie blob out of the bed and onto the floor on Sunday mornings! 🙂 Gotta love these comedian dogs of ours 🙂

  3. benny55
    11:13 pm - 3-27-2016

    Geez!!! Big typo correction…”Louie, I find your joking routine FAR….FAR….not fart etc! 🙂 🙂

    • sreuschen
      11:16 pm - 3-27-2016

      thanks for the hysterical laughter on that typo!! Still giggling over here!! 🙂

  4. midnighter94
    12:32 am - 3-28-2016

    You have me cracking up!!!
    Lou, you are just smooshing adorable!

  5. juliedarling
    2:03 pm - 3-28-2016

    Oh my goodness! I absolutely love this video! Love Louie!!!

    Julie and Buddy

    • sreuschen
      2:29 pm - 3-28-2016

      Thanks Julie 🙂

  6. linda8115
    7:58 pm - 3-28-2016

    Louie you crack me up! Such a smart boy you are!

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